Tuesday, October 13, 2009


What is a curve?
What is a line?
How is a line different from a curve?
Give examples of something that has constant change in life?
Give examples of something that has varying changes in life?
Why and How are graphs connected to equations?
In a graph what is the most important things to observe?


  1. a line is different from a curve since a line is linear and has the same gradient at any point. while a curve has different gradients at different points and would have maximum points and minimum points which would change the shape of the curve.

  2. i think a line is a distance or a length covered whether staight or not

  3. oh gosh green lantern u making me feel like i read a text book boy lol

  4. A line is a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions. A line can in fact be bent to form a curve.

    A curve is a sloping line which has a peak

  5. The only constant thing in life is change!!! An example on constant change is ageing we age everyday

    Something that has varying changes hmmmm for me i would say stress, somedays i am, somedays i'm not

  6. a curve is a line but one in which has no constant gradient; that is a line whose gradient varies at any point. whether it slightly or greatly varies from point to point, that makes it a curve

  7. a line is simply a direct connection of two points. direct connection meaning with no bends or inclines, strictly in a constant direction. A line can be inclined however, if looked at relative to a particular point.

  8. a curve is different from a line by their gradients. a curve has a varying gradient at every point where a line has the same gradient throughout.

  9. in life, the are many constants. one constant is the time the earth takes to travel around the sun. we appreciate and calculate this to be 365.25 days

    there are also many variables, one such as daylenght. this varies just as a curve; slightly changing (delta X)each day or at each point and shows some sort of patern or rate at which it changes (dy/dx...d2y/dx2)

  10. Graphs are connected to equations by the fact that the both have at least 2 terms or variables (in graphs Y an X), and their terms are related such that they produse a specific result. in graphs, this result is specific as it depends on a gradient so it will have a specific point, or vice versa.

    i believe this is so because a graph is a representation of or a way to represent information or data, and equations produce data and if used properly data can be made.

  11. the most important things to observe in a graph is where it begins, where it ends its shape (curve or line)and the scale of the axes.

  12. On a graph, a line may be defined as one which as a uniform gradient throughout. A curve is different to a line mainly due to the fact that it has a constantly varied gradient, meaning, at no 2 points on the line are the gradients the same

  13. An example of something that has a constant change....how about time??? It only goes at one rate...and that's in one second intervals...hahaha

  14. Something in life that has varying changes in life...The Ocean's Tide perhaps?

  15. HOW: Graphs are connected to equations as they are usually plotted from points obtained from an equation of unknown and known values. Without an equation, it would be difficult to plot a graph...maybe even impossible?? What do you think mum?
    WHY: Graphs are connected to equations as they provide us with a visual representation of how the outcome of an equation varies with a change in a value

  16. tell me u dont agree trendsetta

  17. The most important things to note in a graph are:
    1) The Starting Point
    2) The End Point
    3) The Gradient
    4) points of intersection on the X and Y axes

  18. How and why are graphs connected to equations?

    How about graphing a linear equation
    A linear equation is one whose solution is a straight line.

    Instead of writing long numerical statements one can represent this type of info by drawing/plotting a graph to represent the same info just in a way that is easier to see and understand since sight is on of our main sense,we can see and get some understanding from graphs

  19. An important to thing to note in a graph is its overall shape. Equations are linked to graphs in certain ways by just looking at some equations u can tell or have an idea of what the shape might look like on graph paper

    linear equation - straight line
    quadratic equation - curves called "parabolas"

  20. Every single point on a curve has its own unique gradient,due to the fact that every point has its own particular value for x and also for y,and thus, if two pairs of points are compared in order to determine a common gradient,it would be found to be different, no matter how small the difference may be. However, on a straight line,if two pairs of points are compared, it would be found that the gradient is constant for every pair of points...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. The important things to observe in a graph are
    1. the intercept
    2. the end point
    3. the start point
    4. if it is a curve
    5. if it is a has a max or min point ( only if a curve)
    6. the gradient
    7. check the scale to see the values used

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Graphs are connected to equations since the equation it self describes the curve the like if the coefficient of the x squared value is positive then you will have a min point and vice versa also the intercept to the the x or y axis .
    also the equation gives the root of the graph and most important the gradient which shows the slope of the graph.

  25. Graphs are used to represent data, which can then be used to make decisions. The equation that a graph posseses determines it's shape and characteristics. For example, an equation with the highest power of any of the variables being '2' denotes a quadratic graph. Knowing this, as well as having an idea of how a quadratic graph looks and behaves when the values of it's terms are of a certain value,eg, if the value of the 'x squared' term is positive or negative, we can now use the equation given to solve the question asked.

  26. The most important things to notice in a graph are:-
    1)the shape of the graph
    2)the intercepts, if any
    3)the starting and ending points
    4)the gradient

  27. An example of something that has a variation in change in life can be the amount of effort one puts into work or play. On some days, we may be all fired up and filled with enthusiasm and on other days, we just want to stay home and sleep in.

  28. a curve is a line which has a conctantly changing gradiant.....no two points on a curve has the same gradiant.

  29. a line is the distance between two points.......be it straight or not

  30. Also it is known that the highest power of your variable in your equation depicts to you, how many turning points you have in your graph.
    For example if the highest power of your variable is 2 you have one turning point.
    If the highest is 3 you have 2 turning points.
    it is always one less than your highest power.

  31. to munchkin baby
    you say
    "a line is the distance between two points.......be it straight or not"
    i would like to know
    if a line is not necessarily straight
    then is a curve a line?

  32. two point on a graph could have the same gradient if the tangent drawn at one point meets another tangent at the same angle then they would be the same gradient.. that what i think.

  33. if a line is not straight it is curves but a curve is a line so... unless you say it is a linear line then it only pertains to straight lines..

  34. yes that is true...thats why ,miss said to take two pairs of points to determine the type of graph

  35. hmmmmm
    ok so then curves and straight lines are lines
    and to green lantern
    if two diff lines have the same gradient does that mean that they are the same exact line but just on a diff place on a graph?

  36. and also can i say that the equation
    2xsquared+x+4=0 is the equation of a line if you say this is true?
    "if a line is not straight it is curves but a curve is a line so... unless you say it is a linear line then it only pertains to straight lines.."

  37. to the first question...there can only be one of the same line really. the lines can have the same gradient and who knows?even the same lenght. but they are two different lines nontheless. identical but different.just the mere fact that they are in two different positions says so.unless the same line underwent a transformation...

  38. yes when two lines has the same gradient and is not joined they are parallel which means same gradient by different intercepts.

  39. the highest power in a LINEAR LINE is one. quadratics and higher are still lines.u know wat a line is?if you can put a pencil on a piece of paper and move it all over the place, no matter how crazy it is,once you dont lift that pencil off of the paper, i believe u have still drawn a line, albeit am insane one at that. so, yeah,that is the equation of a line, a quadratic line.

  40. ok then tell me the e raised to the power x
    sum times when plotting some of these graphs you end up with two distinct parts
    they come from the same equation
    but they are two diff curves.
    so i ask in this case is this still a line?
    note these two parts go to infinity and the other to zero with respect to the gradient.

  41. ok cap_guy, if a curve is not a line, then what is it?

  42. that is just it i think a curve is a curve and a line is a line.
    there is the equation of a line.
    and there is the equation of a curve.
    i mean don't get me wrong i understand where you coming from.
    and i am not saying what you are saying is wrong.

  43. i think a curve is a special type of line then...ok this may sound retarded but what if u straighten out the curve, wouldn't you get a line? maybe a curve is just a line that has been bent...just sayin

  44. ok now you are thinkin
    i totally agree with that statement
    but from a Mathematical point of view i will say it is not the same thing
    and why
    cause if you straighten out a curve the equation will change
    also the gradient will change for constantly changing to constant through out.
    Now what i get from what you are saying is that at the end the both of them will still be the same length.

  45. yes.that is what i meant.and i see your point and i totally agree with you...i was just makin a suggestion...

  46. what really are the most important things to notice in a graph? are there anymore than what was previously mentioned here?

  47. what about the turning point and how many there are?

  48. well the highest power in the equation denotes how many turning points there are,and its usually one less than the highest power.eg,a quadratic has only one turning pt, a cubic has two, a curve with an equation with the highest power equal to four will have three tp's and so on...

  49. something that constantly changes in life huh? well i would say... age because every second of every hour of everyday, you grow older, you can't grow younger right? and something that varyingly changes in life... how about emotions because sometimes you're happy, sometimes you're sad, sometimes you're angry and sometimes you're mad (although they're more or less the same) but yeah, you're emotions are never constant and they are, of course, dependant on the kind of lifestyle you live and the people whom you interact and/or hang out with.

  50. something that has a constant change in life is life itself......lol....just kidding but there are many things in life that has a constant change from the clothes u wear everyday, your age ever year....your friends and the list goen on and on

  51. to me a curve is a line but at every and any particular point there is a different gradient....a line is linear and has the same gradient throughout( at any point)

  52. the above post shows their differences also/\

  53. without an equation there is no graph....or a graph cannot be plotted.....think of it this way....in a real life setting surveys would have to be done and information gathered before a graph could be plotted....

  54. so therefore a graph is connected to an eqatuin because from the equation you get each point of the graph by substituting the values you have

  55. Variables in life - age
    - gradient, because it shows change.
    Constant in life- food,shelter & clothing both are essential to human life.

    things to look for in a graph:
    - the curve; whether it is a max. or min. curve
    - y intercept
    - x intercept

    A graph and an equation goes hand in hand. if you do not have an equation you cannot plot the graph. a graph needs to show when you are increasing, when you are peaking and when you are slowing down. an equation also tells you how the graph should be plotted.

    a line is straight and has the same gradient throught out. y=mx+c

    a curve is sloping and will give a max. or min. value.

    a line and curve is differnt because you get two values from a curve whereas you will only get one value from a line.

  56. A curve consists of the points through which a continuously moving point passes.

  57. A line consists of two points where they join and can extend infinitely in both directions.

  58. The difference between a line and a curve is that a line is baesd on two points only and a curve is points that constantly changes with no two points being the same.

  59. An example of a constant change in life would have to be temperature;with all the different seasons as well the rise and fall with daily temperature constantly changes.

  60. If you have an equation in two variables and you know that an equation is linear;which means its graph is a line,it's easy to graph it.

  61. the outer diameter of a flange is 16mm the inner diameter is 10mm. you have to drill 5 equally spaced holes on the inner diameter of the flange what is the distance between each hole.

  62. A curve may be a iocus, or a path. That is, it may be a graphical representation of points; or it may be traced out.

  63. In maths, a curve consists of the points through which a continuously moving points passes

  64. A line,an infinitely-extending one-dimensional figure that has no curvature

  65. A line is a straight path and for a curve each point has its own gradient

  66. Graphs may be used as a graphical representation of an equation

  67. a curve is an abstract term used to describe the path of a continuously moving point. a line is a straight curve. the most important thing in a graph is two watch the position of the points.

  68. @ cap guy....yes a curve is a line although it is not straight

  69. a curve is a line that has different gradients values at every point.the gradient is never the same on any two points on a curve.

  70. a line is basically a connection between two points.there are no turns in a line.it goes in one constant direction.

  71. a line differs from a curve because a line has one constant gradient and a curve has different gradient at every point.also a line has one constant direction and a curve turns in different directions.

  72. a line consist of two points on an increasing, decreasing or constant gradient.

  73. a line rather straight, while a curve consists of bends and various gradients.

  74. something that has constant change in life is aging!

  75. I believe a curve is just a line we used to display or represent change such as a straigth line and because it consist of bends its change is non-uniform.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. i believe a curve is any connection of points which includes a straight line as being a special kind.

  78. i believe that a line is a mark that has no endings and no width.

  79. things that constantly change in life is ones age. as every second passes a person constantly gets older.

  80. s curve is the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes

  81. a line is a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point

  82. in graphs u check for the maximum,o minimum pts,y intercept,point of inflexion and the gradient

  83. I think a curve is a line which has varied points and gradient and has a continuous change occuring.Where as with a line it has a constant gradient .

  84. I was just thinking we say is a line which has varied points and gradient is a curve .
    So then it can also be said that a curve tend to show the the changes occuring in the line .

  85. I think that a line is know to be straight and some times considered to have no height or width .But instead have direction and magnitiude.Also that a line at some point has an x and y intercept .

  86. In addition to what a line is i also think that a line along with a curve show a constant change .But it can also it has one constant gradient .

  87. I thinks that the line deals with the increasing or decreasing of the points and its direction .

    PLEASE if i am wrong feel free to correct me thanks would appreciate it .

  88. Question PLease help

    can a curve be considered like a straight line seen that both a straight line and a curve shows the same continuous change and both tries to find an max and min value?

    thanks by the way please forgive my wording not to good with english, thanks

  89. Going back to curve and line question

    I think that i curve is not uniform due to the fact that it bends .
    But unlike the line is unform such that points are in one direction and does not bend .

  90. Some of the ways i think a line is different from a curve o are:

    curve have ,
    1) varing gradient
    2)non uniform line(bending)

    line have,
    1)constant gradient
    2)uniform (straight line )

    both have

    1)continous change
    2)magnitude and direction


  92. the most important thing to look for in a graph is if it contains a turning point and type of gradient (increasing, decreasing or constant)

  93. What is a curve?
    The best way i could put this is , a curve is a path of continuously changing or moving points.

  94. What is a line?
    A line is the connection of any two given positions or points.

  95. How is a line different from a curve?
    Well......In a line,gradient is constant throughout, whereas in a curve, every point has its own gradient.

  96. Give examples of something that has constant change in life?
    Technically the only constant in life IS change, because life never remains the same. things in life are constantly changing....like money for example, you're always gaining or spending money.

  97. Give examples of something that has varying changes in life?
    My answer to this question is quite the opposite to that of the previous one. everything in life undergoes varying change, for example the amount of money you spend every day.

  98. Why and How are graphs connected to equations?
    I think that graphs are connected to equations in a sense that graphical information can be pulled out from an equations. for example a coordinate (x,y)....and in some cases a point at which a line intercepts the y axis, and ofcourse the gradient.

  99. In a graph what is the most important things to observe?
    Your x and y axis......the negative and positive sides of the x and y axis.....the origin....and coordinates.

  100. n mathematics, an abstract term used to describe the path of a continuously moving point (see continuity). Such a path is usually generated by an equation. The word can also apply to a straight line or to a series of line segments linked end to end. A closed curve is a path that repeats itself, and thus encloses one or more regions. Simple examples include circles, ellipses, and polygons. Open curves such as parabolas, hyperbolas, and spirals have infinite length.

  101. something that has constant change in life is your age.

  102. the most important things to observe in a graph is the direction it is heading and the min. and max. point.

  103. the difference between a line and curve is in line it has a constant gradient but in curve every point has its own gradient and it either has a max. or min. point.

  104. a curve is something that has a min. or max. point and also every point on the curve has its own gradient.

  105. a line is something that have a constant gradient.

  106. something that has varying changes in life is some ones mode that is if they are happy or sad.

  107. graphs are connected to equations because you have to use equations to get a graphs and vice-versa.

  108. A curve is a line where every single point or small change has its own gradiant(constantly changing)

  109. a line is set of points placed very close together, they all have the same gradient
    in a curve the points have a changing gradient

    the smallest unit of space time is a point ,a point has no length ,or width,or depth only a position.now, if you have two points with space between them they can be connected using any number of points in ,using any path through space. if all the points connecting the two lines lie on the shortest path between the two point then a line segment is formed ,if one point on this line deviates from the shortest path it's no longer a line its a curve,so really a line is a speacial type of curve.

    time is an example of constant change,our perception of how quickly time passes relative to us is what changes and that's an example of varying change.

  112. I believe that in ones life time and age is always in a constant change and they are both part of nature which humans can have no effect on or try to change.

    An equation is an expression of how values are related to each other (in general),while a graph is,the same thing.the difference between the two is while an equation represents the relationships in a sentence form,a graph displays the info geometrically(lines and points).what connects graphs and equations is that they both represent reltionships between variables,I THINK.

  114. I think in our lives there are many things which have varying changes but in terms of keeping it simple .Temperature in the atmosphere is one the things which we experience which contain varying change that is .This because it cannot be controlled but man but if we are speaking in terms of in a room the that is different .Because there are devices which allow for to manipulate temperature .

  115. Temperature in the atmosphere is something which human attitude has develop to act like in terms of change .That is to say always changing because no one will stay happy or sad all the time .So mans life on the whole is a varying change.

    the pattern the line creates is is directly related to the relationships between the variables to the extent that they can tell the story of the data(gradient or slope) in basic linear relationships

  117. all teachers should employ this method of teaching(anyone agrees)?

  118. i think that Graphs are connected to equations due to them both containing about two variables normally x and y .These terms produce a result or in otherword a value becomes know .

  119. I an equation there can be two variables and when solved a value produced .In a graph there are no big set of calculation being taking place but more of a representation of results acquired .

  120. However the representation on the graph will show the same thing if it pertains to the same thing which is being calculated in the equation .

  121. I think that in some case it would be difficult to plot the points on a graph without an equation being present.It might even be seen that where there is an equation or graph neither is far from each other .

  122. I think that graphs are the visual reprentation of the value being produced by thew equation .And that the graphs makes it easy for us to understand and comprehend

  123. In a graph some of the most important things to observe are

    the starting point
    the end point
    change in the gradient
    shape of the graph
    the intercept

  124. some more things to observe in a graph are

    if it is a curve
    if it is a has a max or min point if it is a curve
    the gradient
    the scale to see the values being used

  125. i agree that a curve is formed when a stright line is bent but when this happens its not the same anymore.Because with a stright line the gradiant is constant whereas with a curve the gradiant is constantly changeing, that is every point has its own gradiant.

  126. A stright line is a steady changing gradiant at a constant ratio, as it conects two points together.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. An example of a something that has a varying changes in life is definitely time which changes every second.

  129. An example os a constant change in life is every day which consist of, morning,noon and night.

  130. A graph is conected to an equation to display the relationshipe or critical information given from an equation in a way that makes it easier to understand.

  131. The most important things to look for when observing a graph is-:
    -the point at which it starts
    -the point at which it ends
    -the slope of the graph &
    -the points at which it intercepts

  132. A line is a length without height or width that is continuous. A line could also be a relation between two things, having a beginning and an end.
    A curve is made up of many lines meeting at a points one after the other. A curve is also a line which gradually turns from a straight course.

  133. the difference between a line and a curve is that a line has a constant gradient throuhout and a curve has a different gradient at every point.

  134. a curve is sloping where every point has its own gradient.

  135. A curve basically discribes the path of a continuously moving point,usually generated by an equation of some sort. A term can also apply to a series of line segments linked end to end i think.

  136. hmmmm, a line. A line is thought to be the extension of a point on both sides. It can be represented by the equation y=mx+c where y signifies how far up (y-axis), x signifies how far along (x-axis), m is the gradient or slope and c is the y intercept or where the line crosses the y axis

  137. I agree with ASJAtc2,the differnce between a line an a curve, i think a line has one gradient where as a curve has varying gradients at any particular points.

  138. A curve is a line that is defined by a gradient.This line has a peak known as a maximum or minimum point which implies that the line is not straight.Therefore we can conclude that a curve is a line that does not have a linear gradient therfore it is bent.

  139. A line is defined by a gradient. The gradient gives the slope of the line. A line has a start and an end point which is connected. A linear gradient gives a straight line and a nonlinear gradient gives a curve.

  140. A line is different from a curve because a line has a linear gradient. i.e. the gradient is constant throughout the line. A curve has a nonlinear gradient. i.e. a curve has a varying gradient/slope a differnt point of the curve.

  141. I would say that the rate of growth in humans has varying change because at different points in an individuals life they grow at different speeds.

  142. I would say that time has a constant change in life because it. Because it always increases by one second, minute, hour, day, month or year

  143. a curve is a line which has bends and has as a change in gradient at every point

  144. Graphs are related to equations because graphs are defined by equations. Graphs are just simply used to represent data. An equation is the relationship between the figures on the graph.

  145. with a curve you can identify important factors such as you max,min,time of start and when you have to owe

  146. The most important thing to observe in a graph is the slope, the max or min point, the beginning and the ending, the scale on the axis.

  147. a curve is a line that bends continuously and smoothly.each point on a curve has its own gradient. a curve can have a maximum point or minimum point.

  148. a line is the distance between two points.a line is also a straightened curve. although a line can be used to refer to a curve,a line is usually considered to be straight. all straight line have the form y=mx+c where x and y are the coordinates that satisfy the equation, m is the gradient or slope and c is the y intercept

  149. an example of constant change is aging, we age every second of every hour of everyday in life.an example of varying change is emotions, sometimes we are happy,sad,angry etc

  150. a graph is connected to an equation because a graph is a visual representation of an equation, as an equation is a mathematical expression of a graph.

  151. the most important things in a graph are the start and end points, gradient, points of intersection in x and y axis and the turning points.

  152. a line is an uninterrupted connection between two fixed points

  153. a curve is a line which varies in gradients causing the line to not be straight.

  154. an examples of something that has constant changes in life is someone's age because each year you can only get 1 year older than u already are.... cant be more or less than 1.

  155. an examples of something that has varying changes in life is the size of your foot.

  156. Hmm In reference to the question “Give examples of something that has constant change in life? Constant? Meaning steady or stable change right…Time is constant…we cannot alter time. It will always pass at a constant rate. There’s no fluctuations in its value, time is unvarying.

  157. Another example of something with constant change is the rate at which a slice of bread may decay -assuming of course ideal conditions for deposition is met. The decomposition of the bread may increase at a steady pace as time goes by, until the bread completely turns to mold.

  158. Another example of something that has constant change in it, may be the speed of a vehicle as it accelerates uniformly. Say in 2 sec the car reaches a speed of 20miles/hr,in 4 sec the speed is 40miles/hr, in 6 sec the vehicle reaches a speed of 60miles/hr. Doesn’t the vehicle constantly increase by 20miles/hr every 2 seconds.

  159. Another example of constant change in real life is Age. As we get older our age increases at a constant rate i.e the number of years a person has. We recognize that a person’s age is connected to “number of years”. We age at a constant rate of years. Years is constant.

  160. For the other question which states “Give examples of something that has varying changes in life? I would say, Temperature. The temperature of a particular day might be different from another day. Today the average temperate might be 28º, tomorrow it might be 32º, the next day might be 25º. It is never constant.

  161. Another example of varying changes in life is Rain fall. Rain fall varies. Today we might have rain but the next day it rains might be 2 or 3 days from that particular day. And the next time is rains after that day might be the following day. Rain can never be constant.

  162. Another example of a varying change is People’s attitudes. The way in which one acts and behaves does not always be the same throughout the day. Sometimes we may be sad, angry, happy, excited or aggressive. Our moods may change as often as we blink due to various circumstances in our life. So the attitudes of people I would say is random…and as a result has a varying change.

  163. Graphs demonstrate changes in life that are constant as well as varying. Data can be read and obtained easily through graphs. In most cases straight line graphs are used to demonstrate constant change, and curves are used to demonstrate varying changes.

  164. Equations are formed to solve for unknown quantities. The reason why Graphs are connected to equations is to obtain information quickly and efficiently.

  165. How are Graphs connected to equations? Well relevant values are put into a particular equation in order to obtain points or coordinates. It is these coordinates which make up the graph. The equation of a graph can determine the shape of a graph. Eg 2y= 6x+3 because the x is raised to the power 1, we can tell that this graph is a straight line graph. However 2y=6x2+3x+4 because x is raised to the power 2, we can tell that this graph is a curve.

  166. In a graph the most important things to observe are: the y intercept, the x intercept or the roots of the equations, the minimum/maximum value, the start value, the end value, the gradient of the graph, the turning point, point of origin and the scale used on the x and y axes

  167. curves and lines are 2 different things because of their gradient . the gradient of a line could easily be obtained from the equation because it is in the form of y=mx+c. where m is the gradient while for curves u have to differentiate to find it's gradient.

  168. a curve is a line but one in which has no constant gradient; that is a line whose gradient varies at every different point

  169. a line is the linear distance between two points.a line has a constant gradient, m the equation for a line is given by the equation
    y= mx + c

  170. something that has a constant change in life is age

  171. something that has a constant change in life is the weather seeing that it was jus soooo hot n it rainin now .. lol

  172. in a graph the most important things to observe are the turning points if any the y-intercept if any where the graph begins and ends the title of the axes and the units they are in

  173. a line has only one gradient throughout

  174. a curve has multiple gradients... no point along a curve has the same gradient

  175. a line is different from a curve because of the gradients.. lines have one throughout... no pt on a curve has the same gradient

  176. speed at which we walk... the velocity at which we drive.. are examples of constant cahnge

  177. i think i mixing myself up... somebody correct me plz

  178. the most important things to observe in a grah are..
    you starting pt
    your max/min value/turning pt/
    factors/roots/x intrcept
    whether it is linear/ non linear

  179. A curve is a line but a line in which the gradient is constantly changing. curves can either be maximum or minimum.

  180. a curve is different from a graph since a line has the same gradient at any point but curves has varying gradients at each point.

  181. A line is simply a direct connection of two points have a constant gradient.

  182. something that has a constant change in life is time.

  183. something that has a varying change in life is the rate at which humans breath. or sometimes the rate at which the human heart beats. eg: after exercise

  184. The most important things to observe in graphs are:
    -the title
    -if it follow the equation y=mx+c or not
    -the scale
    -the Starting Point
    -The End Point
    -The Gradient
    -points of intersection

  185. graphs are connected to equations since a graph can be drawn using an equation to find the respective x and y values and a equation can be formed using points from a graph to find the gradient and the intercept.

  186. 1)
    In a curve the gradient throughout the line is constantly changing.Curves can be of two types maximum and minimum.
    A maximum curve is when (a) which the gradient is is less than zero and is minimum when the gradient (a) is greater than zero.
    All curves also have turning points. Turning points are the points on the curve where the line either changes from ascending to descending or from descending to ascending or in other words changes from positive (+) to negative (-) or from negative (-) to positive (+)

  187. A straight line graph is always the graph of a linear function, except when the line is vertical, in which case the equation is of the form x = c, where c is a constant.The linear function is described in x and y as y = mx + c .

  188. a difference between a curve and a graph is the gradient of a cure is different at each point and the gradient of a straight line remains constant through out the graph...i remember this from class..

  189. one constant is the shape of the earth..

  190. a constant change is the atmospheric conditions everyday.

  191. graphs are connected to equations since we use points to plot a curve or a straight line graph.. to get points, numbers are pluged into equations to get resulting values to plot the graph. with out numbers and values graphs cannot be plot hence the reason i explain graphs and equations are connected.

  192. the most important things to observe in a graph are:
    1)starting point
    2)ending point
    3)the turning point
    4)recognise if it is a maximum or minimum curve
    6)points of intersection
    7) Y intercept

  193. A straight line graph denotes direct proportionality that is constant and unchanging. It shows a direct relation for what is in the x axis to that in the y axis.It is given by the equation y=mx+c.

  194. A curved line on a graph represents change or variation.there is a maximum and a minimum point.

  195. a curve has a changing gradient and max and min points

  196. a line is a distance between two points, its like a straight curve ...in this case it has a constant gradient

  197. equations can sometimes tell us what the shpae of the graph will be for example: a linear equation is a straight line graph and a quadratic equations is a curve.

    important things to observe on a graph:
